Monday, May 3, 2010

Um, hi?


I'm Nikki. This is my blog. It is now 45 minutes after I actually started this post, since I had chicken in the oven for me and my mom. Live and learn. Well, here goes. I am an overworked, overstressed, and dissatisfied American college student. I live with my mother on 50 acres, along with 6 horses, 4 cats, and 2 dogs. It's a wild and wacky way to live, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I go to school with a bunch of crazy people like me, but like many 21-year-olds, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I like to read, write, sleep, bake, hike, and ride horses. Maybe I'll do something with one of those.

Today, I changed the light bulb in my car's turn signal. I'm proud of myself.

I really don't know what to say. I'm not sure yet what this is going to be. Hopefully I'll figure it out somewhere on the way to figuring out my life. You can come along too.

Indecisively yours,

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