Saturday, July 3, 2010

I'm really bad at this...

So here's an adorable baby cougar, courtesy of Daily Squee.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Remember me?

I know, I know. It's been 3 weeks. I'm a terrible person. I could say that nothing interesting has happened, but really I just haven't felt very interesting. I mean, come on. It's been three weeks. Something has to have happened. Uhh, it became June. I got a paint ball gun. I haven't played paint ball yet, but the shooting things has been fun thus far.

I found this pretty template and decided to use it today. I feel a little unoriginal for using a template that someone else created, but it's so pretty that I couldn't help it. Maybe I'll try my hand at making my own sometime. Hmm, then again, maybe not. That would involve design, and I try to avoid design.

Mostly, these past weeks have been full of varying degrees of work and sleep. Have I mentioned work? I have two jobs. I spend my mornings cleaning stalls at a barn a few miles from my house. I've been working there since I was a junior in high school, so we've got a long history. It's been fun. I keep thinking that I'll try to find a real job with morning hours, but I'd be really sad if I had to leave because I've been there for so long. My other job is selling things for a large, soulless retail chain. I'm not such a fan of that part. I've been there for a year, which is a year too long in my opinion.

Seriously though, what should I write about when I can't think of anything to write? There has to be something that I can post that will be of interest to the three of you who I coerce into reading this (hi guys!). What do you think? I'm really asking. I'd love feed back.

Ok, I promise no more three week breaks. Even if I can't think of anything to write, I'll post a picture of a kitty or something.

Good Night!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dear Oregon,

I love your bi-polar weather. I love not being able to get dressed for the day based on what I see out the window in the morning. I love that we can have four vastly different weather patterns in the span of a few hours.

But seriously. It's almost June. Make up your mind.

This is really just so I'll remember to keep updating, because what good is having a blog if you never write anything? (looking at you, Mom).

In other news, I'm free for the summer, as of a few days ago. Whee! I got to sleep in for one day, and then work started. I hate being a grown up.

I had a job interview this morning (because I can't stand working my retail job). This really nice family needs a nanny for the summer. I think I did well. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun. I hope I get it. Even though this much change basically terrifies me. It's all good.

It might be time for lunch now. Hooray for scrounging things from the pantry! I love to cook, but not right now. Simple things would be nice. I made The Pioneer Woman's grilled chicken & pineapple quesadillas the other night, and they were fabulous, even though I cheated and used canned pineapple. I'm lazy like that. But yeah, Ree's like my hero. I waited for hours to get her to sign my copy of her cookbook. If I ever get the picture off of my phone I'll post it here.

This turned out to be longer than I thought it would be. That's probably good.

Oh well.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Attempt at Blogging #2

Hello Internet!

So, when I was a kid my family would always give me journals to allow my creativity to flourish. I never wrote in any of them because on the rare occasions that I could find something to say, I would say it in two sentences and be done. I'm not really the effusive type. When I did use them, I always wrote stories. At first, they were all about horses. All of them. And I wrote a lot of them. Once I discovered fantasy, they were all about unicorns or talking horses. No doubt about it, I was horse-crazy. Of course, the only difference between me and the average horse-crazy little girl was that I had my own horses to draw inspiration from. Of course, I was always more comfortable outside (she types from the comfort of the living room couch), so my writing usually took place on the lawn or in a tree somewhere. I was weird like that. Didn't mind dirt nearly as much as I do now.

I'm going to be good and give this blog thing a shot. I'll try not to forget about for long stretches of time. Please don't take it personally if I do. I don't mean to make anyone mad.

Today was the last day of classes. I would have had two, but we finished Digital Art on Monday. Since that class started at 8am, I was ok with this. After sleeping in, I got to spend the majority of my day finishing a website for my Web Design class. I am not in any way a web designer, so please don't ask me to make a site for you. It would probably work, but it would not be pretty. And we would no longer be friend at the end. Too bad that this nonsense is basically my major. I go to Pacific University, which is as nice place as any to effectively waste four years of my life. I'm not a huge fan of college right now. I think this happens to most Juniors.

Back to my major. It's called Integrated Media, which really doesn't make any sense to anyone. It's web design, and other computer-based design, and I chose it because it was one of the few options that would allow me to graduate on time. That's not saying that I don't like. I really do. I love my department, and everyone else in my major (seriously, like all 15 of them), but I know that I'm not going to do anything related to this in my future, and that's a little disheartening.

I'm going to try really hard not to whine in this. I have a tendency to do that once I start talking for a while.

And finally, in regards to my profile picture. The fairy pictured is Layla of the Winx Club, an Italian cartoon (somewhat in the vein of Sailor Moon) which I am mildly obsessed with. I was considering linking to their website, but I want people to like the show. Watch it with an open mind. Also, find the RAI English version, because the American version hasn't released in English yet, and it probably won't. It's completely ridiculous, and awesome, and I love it much more than I should.

Ta-ta for now!

P.S. A belated Happy Mother's Day to my mom, even though I told her on the day itself and she's in the living room with me. My mom's seriously one of the coolest people I know. Well, I don't know if "cool" is the right word, but she's pretty great.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Um, hi?


I'm Nikki. This is my blog. It is now 45 minutes after I actually started this post, since I had chicken in the oven for me and my mom. Live and learn. Well, here goes. I am an overworked, overstressed, and dissatisfied American college student. I live with my mother on 50 acres, along with 6 horses, 4 cats, and 2 dogs. It's a wild and wacky way to live, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I go to school with a bunch of crazy people like me, but like many 21-year-olds, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I like to read, write, sleep, bake, hike, and ride horses. Maybe I'll do something with one of those.

Today, I changed the light bulb in my car's turn signal. I'm proud of myself.

I really don't know what to say. I'm not sure yet what this is going to be. Hopefully I'll figure it out somewhere on the way to figuring out my life. You can come along too.

Indecisively yours,